The Realization of the Concept us / them in Political Discourse Диплом по иностранным языкам | Диплом Шоп |
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Диплом / Иностранные языки / The Realization of the Concept us / them in Political Discourse

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Диплом  The Realization of the Concept us / them in Political Discourse

Предмет:Иностранные языки.
Сдавалась в ВУЗе:Башкирский Государственный Университет.
Кол-во страниц:67.
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Chapter I. Discourse and Critical Discourse Analysis
1.1. Definition of Discourse………………………………………..….......8
1.2. Political Discourse ………………………………….……..……...…10
1.3. Discourse Analysis………….……………………..…………...……16
1.4. Critical Discourse Analysis..…..……………………...…..……........20
1.5. Conceptual Metaphor Theory…………………………………..…...23
1.6. The Analysis of Conceptual Metaphor Theory…………………...…26
Conclusion to Chapter I……………………………...……...…………………….33
Chapter II. The Realization of the Concept us / them in Political Discourse……………………………………………………………………….…35
2.1. The Origin of the Concept «us/them»……………………….…........35
2.2. The Realization of the Concept «us/them» in media and institutional discourse …………………………………………………………………39
Conclusion to Chapter II……………………………………………………….…59
General Conclusion……………………………………………………………….60
List of References…………………………………………………………………64

Intensive development of the political technologies, increasing role of mass media, increasing staging of political activity promote increase of society attention to the theory and practice of political communications. Politics is a struggle for power in order to put certain political, economic and social ideas into practice. In this process, language plays a crucial role, for every political action is prepared, accompanied, influenced and played by language. In this connection, the quantity of the publications devoted to political linguistics promptly grows in Russia and in foreign countries.
Political linguistics is a branch of linguistics, which have arisen on a joint of two independent sciences – linguistics and political science, and closely connected with other modern linguistic disciplines (in particular with pragmatic linguistics, communicative and cognitive linguistics).
There are some basic directions in research of political communications. The first is the traditional way of studying of the political language related to the antique rhetoric. In this case language units are perceived as the way for reproduction and embellishing the idea to make it more accessible and pragmatically significant.
At the heart of the second direction lies the cognitive approach. According to this course the speech activity is interpreted like the perception of the world image existing in consciousness of people as a material for analyzing national, social and individual mentality.
The third direction researches the discursive approach of political communications studying. According to it political text is analyzed in discourse. The great value is given to criteria the corresponding text creation and functioning, its interaction with other texts, national culture and traditions, political situation in a region, country and all over the world.
The central concept of political linguistics is political discourse. Political discourse is a result of politics and it is historically and culturally determined. It fulfills different functions due to different political activities. It is thematic because its topics are primarily related to politics such as political activities, political ideas and political relations.
In the linguistic literature, political discourse is presented as the multidimensional and multipronged phenomenon, as a complex of the elements that form a single whole. The political discourse is a set of “all speech acts used in political debates, as well as the rules of the public policy which consecrated with tradition and has been checked up by experience” [Баранов, Казакевич 1991, 6].
Foreign linguistics single out two types of the discursive direction in political linguistics. The first is critical discourse analysis, the second is descriptive discourse analysis.
The critical discourse analysis studies the ways of the domination of the social power in a society. Critical discourse analysis subsumes a variety of approaches towards the social analysis of discourse which differ in theory, methodology, and the type of research issues to which they tend to give prominence.
The descriptive approach describes and explains phenomena avoiding the own (especially connected with political viewpoints of the object of research) ideological estimation of the situation to represent criteria of scientific objectivity of the research.
The present research represents attempt of the analysis of the concept «us/them» in political discourse on the material of the English mass media and political reports of the end of the XX century and of the beginning of the XXI century by methods of political media and institutional discourse analysis.
The opposition «us/them» is a base and debatable concept for variety of the humanities, in particular, philology, cultural science, philosophy, political science, sociology, psychology, etc. The difficult multilevel character of the concept «us/them» causes a variety of aspects of its discussion in the scientific literature.
Today it is important to note that in the process of growing globalization and amplifying resistance to globalization processes (including the form of direct antiglobalizm) the opposition «us/them» gets global forms in intercultural communication.
The topicality of the research is defined by expansion and intensification of the intercultural exchange in the world. Therefore, there emerges necessity to investigate functioning of the concept «us/them» in the new situation which have developed on the boundary of the XX – XXI centuries, in particular, within the limits of process of globalization, military conflicts, neo-liberalism.
The object of the research is the political discourse on the base of analyzing critical discourse analysis on a material of mass media of the end of the XX century and of the beginning of the XXI century.
The subject of our research is the concept «us/them», its semantics and functioning in the area of linguistics on a material of mass media and political speeches, debates of the end of the XX century and of the beginning of the XXI century.
The scientific and practical importance of the work consists in researching the given concept and the ways of analyzing, overcoming and solution of «us/them» problem all over the world.
This paper aims to discuss the realization of identity and background of the concept «us/them» in world political scene by means of language use in a political discourse, which is mainly grounded in assumptions of political media and institutional discourse analysis in the light of critical discourse analysis.
The aim of this research is reached by solving the following problems:
1. To investigate the existing approaches to the description of political discourse analysis;
2. To analyze the term “concept” and “conceptual metaphor”;
3. To investigate the problem of critical discourse analysis;
4. To carry out the analysis of the concept «us/them» in political media and institutional discourses;
5. To investigate evolution of the relation to «them» in the course of intercultural communication;
6. To consider the features of influence of «us» national-cultural concept sphere on perception of «them» concept sphere in the world society.
The methods of research are the critical discourse analysis within the framework of political media and institutional discourse analysis and cognitive analysis.
The extracts from newspaper articles and political speeches of the end of the XX century and of the beginning of the XXI century have been used as a material for this research.
The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, conclusion and the list of references.
In introduction the theme topicality, the subject, the object, the aim and problems corresponding to it are defined, methods of research and information sources are characterized and the scientific and practical importance is shown.
In Chapter I the general theoretical questions of political discourse and conceptual metaphor theory are considered, methods of definition of critical discourse analysis are given, the basic concepts are proved, the topicality of the given research is caused.
In Chapter II, empirical, the same concepts are considered, on the practical basis and methods of research of the concept «us/them» are given.
Conclusion has analytical character and on the basis of investigated work the analysis of modern state, prospects of the further research of the given problem are considered, conclusions are drawn.


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