Infinitive Constructions in the book "Speaking into the Air: A History of the Idea of Communication" by John Durham Peters Диплом по иностранным языкам | Диплом Шоп |
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Диплом / Иностранные языки / Infinitive Constructions in the book "Speaking into the Air: A History of the Idea of Communication" by John Durham Peters

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Диплом  Infinitive Constructions in the book "Speaking into the Air: A History of the Idea of Communication" by John Durham Peters

Предмет:Иностранные языки.
Кол-во страниц:61.
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Infinitival Constructions in the System of Predicative Units……...6
1.1. The Nature of Predicative Units………………………………………6
1.2. Predicative Word-Groups: Infinitival Constructions …………….…..9
1.3. Clauses and Sentences as Predicative Units ………………………...13
1.3.1. Infinitival Clauses Condensing the Sentences. Semi-Composite Sentences…………………………………………………………….14
Chapter 2. Infinitival Constructions: Grammar, Discourse, Register……….21
2.1. Complementation Patterns: Form and Usage …………………………22
2.1.1. That-clauses Versus To-clauses …………………………………….22
2.1.2. Verbs Controlling That-clauses Versus To-clauses…………………24
2.1.3. Nouns Controlling That-clauses Versus To- clauses…………….…..26
Chapter 3. Diversity of Infinitival Constructions in the book "Speaking into the Air: A History of the Idea of Communication" by John Durham Peters...31
3.1. General characteristic of the book …………………………………………...31
3.2. Different Types of Infinitival Constructions in Used J. D. Peter’s Book ……43
3.3. Verbs Controlling Infinitival Constructions in "Speaking into the Air"……...46
3.4. Nouns Controlling Infinitival Constructions in "Speaking into the Air" …… 49

Conclusions…………………………………………………………………….. 51
List of References ……………………………………………………………….54
Appendices ………………………………………………………………………57

The aim of this paper is to investigate usage of infinitival constructions in the book ‘Speaking into the air’ by J.D. Peters from the point of view of interaction of grammatical, lexical, and functional levels..
The major tasks of the paper are:
1. To consider the question of nature of infinitival constructions.
2. To cover the problem of condensing sentences by means of infinitival constructions.
3. To analyse the choice of complementation patterns: that-clauses and to-clauses in different registers.
4. To investigate usage of infinitival constructions in analysed book:
a) to analyse percentage variation in using different types of infinitival constructions;
b) to study infinitival constructions on lexico-grammatical level, i.e. how infinitival constructions tend to be used with different lexico-semantic verb groups;
c) to analyse grammatical interaction while using infinitival constructions;
d) to analyse thematic distribution of infinitival constructions;
e) to establish functions of infinitival constructions in analysed text.
The paper consists of introduction, three chapters, conclusion and appendices. In the introduction, we indicate the aim and the tasks of the paper; point out its topicality; consider previous work on the subject; indicate materials used for analysis; specify theoretical and practical value of our research. In the first chapter an overview of the aspects of infinitival constructions’ nature, their place in the system of predicative units, their role in creating the effect of language economy is provided.
Chapter 2 deals with infinitival constructions as grammatical features used in different registers. The analysis is based on comparison of using that-clauses and to- clauses in texts from four registers: conversation, fiction, newspaper language, and academic prose.
In the third chapter we present our investigation of the ‘Speaking into the Air’. Based on the theoretical insights, our observations, and analysis of newspapers, we report on distributional differences in using different types of infinitival constructions and different forms of infinitive in the structure of predicative units. One of the sections focuses on the lexico-semantic groups of verbs controlling infinitival constructions.
Scheme, tables illustrating our research are presented in the appendices.
Theoretical base indicating the structure, characteristics of infinitival constructions, and their role in language condensation constitutes theoretical value of the paper.
The paper is based on observations of works of the above-mentioned scholars, on the one hand, and, on investigation and analysis of the book, on the other.


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