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Диплом  Language Interference in Translating Manuals

Предмет:Иностранные языки.
Кол-во страниц:69.
Цена:2 600 руб. Купить диплом »


Chapter I. Technical instructions.
1.1 Generic standards for product manuals.
1.2 Guidelines for product instructions.
1.3 Common sections in instructions.
1.4 Informative function of technical manuals.
Chapter II. Language Interference in Translating.
2.1 Grammatical Interference.
2.2 Lexical Interference.
List of Literature.

One of the most difficult tasks for a translator is to produce documents that are technologically accurate, respectful of the ST and at the same time written in a clear and effective style. This task is even more complex if we consider time constraints of most translation projects, and the cultural and syntactic differences between the source and target languages. The question we may ask is how much latitude is allowed in a technical translation.

The following objectives were set in this research:
1) to collect as many examples of language interference and language transformations in the different kind of users' manuals;
2) to analyse them, making a thorough analysis of the Ukrainian and Russian translation variants, describe them and single out certain types of transformations.
As a material for my research, I used technical manuals of different types of appliances and their translations into Russian and Ukrainian.
The paper consists of Introduction that lays out the subject and the object of the research paper. Chapter I discusses types of manuals, general standards of their writing. Chapter II contains detailed information of what is language interference; its types and varieties of transformations that should be used in the process of translating technical manuals together with the translation analysis of most vivid examples. Сonclusions summarize the result of the present research. List of Literature is divided into two subgroups: List of Literature and List of Manuals that have been analysed. The paper includes Appendices that illustrate various types of manuals and their sections.


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