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Диплом Passive constructions

Предмет:Иностранные языки.
Цена:150 руб.
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Introduction 3
Chapter 1. The theoretical aspects of passive constructions’ definition 5
1.1. Thе саtegory of voice. Passive constructions 5
1.2. Types and Principles of Passive Construction 12
Chapter II. The analysis of passive constructions 23
2.1. The Analysis the types of Construction" to be + Participle II 23
2.2. Types of passive constructions 38
2.3. Direct passive of the verbs demanding two direct objects 51
2.4. Direct passive of the verbs demanding direct and indirect object 56
2.5. Direct passive of the verbs demanding direct and a prepositional object 57
2.6. Indirect passive 61
Chapter III. The description of passive constructions 66
3.1. Characteristics of the passive constructions 66
3.2. Analysis of passive forms 74
Conclusion 78
Bibliography 82


The active voice stresses the activity of the subject and helps to make a sentence direct, concise, and vigorous.
One and the same idea can often be expressed in two ways, by means of an active, and by means of a passive construction. The English passive is formed with an auxiliary, generally be, but often also get and become, and the second participle
We distinguish several types of the passive constructions in the modern English language, illustrating our explanations with examples of the usage of these types.
The purpose of our paper is to reveal the grammatical nature of the passive constructions and to register different types of such construction in Modern English.
The objectives of this paper are:
- to consider the theoretical aspects of passive constructions’ definition;
- to describe types and Principles of Passive Construction;
- to ascertain the syntactic structure of different types of the
construction "to be + Participle II";
- to investigate the use of tense forms of different types of the
construction "to be + Participle II";
- to analyze the passive constructions;
- to give the description of passive constructions;
- to give the analysis of passive forms.
The paper consists of an Introduction, three parts: Theoretical, Results of the Analysis, Conclusions, Bibliography.
In this work the problem of analyzing different types of the construction "to be + Participle IF'is treated not only from the theoretical, but also from the practical angle, i.e. the conclusions are drawn on the grounds of the anslysis of the original Modern English and American novels and stories.
In the introduction we emphasize actuality of the theme and state the purpose and objectives.
In the first Part we learn the theoretical knowledge on the problem of Passive constructions in Modern English. The second part deals with the analysis of different types of passive construction in modern English. The third part covers the description of passive constructions.

Диплом Passive constructions

Цена: 150 руб.

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