Курсовая Analysis the marketing strategy of an organization of your choice. Identifying the success factors or indicators in the marketing mix and the activities of the organization по иностранным языкам | Диплом Шоп | diplomshop.ru
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Банк готовых рефератов, курсовых и дипломных работ / Иностранные языки / Курсовая Analysis the marketing strategy of an organization of your choice. Identifying the success factors or indicators in the marketing mix and the activities of the organization

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Курсовая Analysis the marketing strategy of an organization of your choice. Identifying the success factors or indicators in the marketing mix and the activities of the organization

Предмет:Иностранные языки.
Цена:100 руб.
Работа доступна сразу после оплаты.


Chapter 1. The process of the strategic planning at
the enterprise ……………………………………………………………...6
1.1. Strategic marketing……………………………………………………6
1.2. Marketing mix…………………………………………………………9
The chapter 2. The technique of development of the marketing strategy for the enterprise………………………………………………………………………….11
2.1 Application of the marketing strategy for the small enterprise which sale the radio engineering production………………………………………………….11
2.2. Results SWOT - analysis (for segments of the market)……………….13
The list of the literature……………………………………………………..22


In the market conditions the manager need independently accept the basic, long-term strategic decisions, according to the legislative and normative acts regulating the rules of conducting of the industrial activity, and also according to the conjuncture, developing in this or that market. Thus the chief carries the complete responsibility before himself, the proprietors, the labor collective, before the Law for all economic, legal, ecological and other consequences of the accepted strategic decisions .
The economic strategy of the enterprise has in its basis:
- The resource concept of the enterprise, as the information system describing the set of the resources, that are the opportunities of the enterprise to determine the long-term purposes and to achieve them;
- The theory of the competitive advantage, as a conceptual basis of formation of the global and local strategic purposes for the enterprise and economically effective means of their achievement;
- The theory of transaction costs as the concept allowing to concretize the strategic purpose with the greatest efficiency for the enterprise.
The economic strategy of the enterprise should develop mainly the economic means of achievement of the strategic purposes for the enterprise, that are means which induce all participants of the production - from the researchers of the market up to the attendants - to carry out their roles in the maintenance of prosperity of the enterprise.
Strategy is a detailed, all-round, complex plan, which is developed by the management, and is realized by all levels of management. The strategy is developed from the point of view of enterprise development on the basis of the researches and the fact.
The strategic management can be defined as management of the organization, the bases of which is the human potential; it focuses the industrial activity in the searches of the consumers, carries out floppy regulation and duly changes at the enterprise which respond the call from the part of the environment and allow to achieve the competitive advantages, that in result allows for the enterprise to survive and to achieve the purpose in long-term prospect .
The term «strategic management " was entered at the end of 60 and the beginning of 70 years to reflect the difference of management which is carried out top-level, from current (operative) managements in the level of production. As conducting idea reflecting the essence of transition to strategic management from operative management, was the idea of necessity to carry the centre of management attention to the environment with the aim of appropriately reaction to the changes, which occur in it.
The strategic planning is a process of formulation of mission and purposes of organization, a choice of specific strategy for definition and reception of necessary resources and their distribution with the purpose to maintain the effective work of the enterprise in the future. The process of strategic planning is the tool assisting in making of the administrative decisions. Its task consists in maintenance of innovations and changes in sufficient volume for adequate reaction to the changes in external environment. The planning of strategy is not finished by any immediate action. Usually it comes to an end by an establishment of general directions, the following with which provides the growth and strengthening of the enterprise positions.
The process of strategic planning requires both formal, and informal procedures of its realization. To understand and correctly to estimate interrelations and interaction of all divisions of the enterprise, kinds of its activity and complex system of the plans, the process of planning should to be formalized and requires the organization of its realization .
The purpose of this work is the consecutive disclosing of the stages of strategic planning, which reflect the logic of the strategic analysis for the strategic planning purposes.
For realization of the main purpose it is necessary to perform the following concrete tasks:
- To describe the process of planning in the system of marketing
- To characterize strategic marketing
- To singe out the types of strategies
- To reveal the essence of marketing mix: elements of the mix, marketing plan, marketing SWOT-analysis
- To analyze the process of the strategic planning at the enterprise
- To reveal the purposes and tasks at a choice of the strategy of the enterprise
- To describe marketing strategies of enterprise
- To make the analysis of the marketing activity of the enterprise
- To apply the marketing strategy for the small enterprise which sale the radio engineering production
In the work the process of development of strategy by the small enterprise is considered. The logic of the work is stated according to the logic of acceptance of the decision by the chief.

Курсовая Analysis the marketing strategy of an organization of your choice. Identifying the success factors or indicators in the marketing mix and the activities of the organization

Цена: 100 руб.

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